Author: all2prodigal

  • If You Wait For Success, It Will Never Come…

    Yesterday, I almost fired a client. For the past year, he had been depressed about work. He had been looking for a new job and sending out resumes. He had zero social media accounts for networking purposes (something about principle) and he hadn’t attended any networking events. He wasn’t hussling to change his situation. He…

  • Be A Coach, Not A Trainer

    How To Be A Great Coach (How to select the right coach for you!)   Primum non nocere- “First, do no harm.” As a Firefighter/Paramedic, I am a medical professional. It is my primary responsibility to help, but more importantly, to consider the possible harm that any intervention might do. I am ethically and legally…

  • Environment For Success- Gymnastic Bodies Master Class

    Environment For Success- Gymnastic Bodies Master Class

    This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to be invited by Coach Christopher Sommer, creator of Gymnastic Bodies, to a master class at Awaken Gymnastics in Denver. I first met Coach Sommer in December of 2013 at a seminar and was instantly hooked on gymnastic strength training. The two-day master class was designed to coach…