Author: all2prodigal
“Forgiveness”- The Key To Unlocking Better Mental Health
Forgiveness is essential for maintaining good mental health as it allows individuals to let go of negative feelings such as anger, resentment, and bitterness. Holding on to these emotions can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, which can negatively impact overall well-being. Forgiving someone should be done selfishly, as it is an act of…
Choices? I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Choices!
I was watching a PBS show one day and saw the host mining gems in Sri Lanka. Since I didn’t believe in the diamond industry, I nonchalantly asked my girlfriend at the time if she wanted to go there to mine for an engagement gem. We booked flights for a trip 3 months away. Fast-forward…
What Shitting All Over The Himalayas Taught Me…
This pic was taken at the height of one of my Ulcerative Colitis flairs in 2010, while I was still working as a FF/Medic 🚒🚑. Up to that point, I was sitting on the toilet up to 100x/daily, bleeding ulcers and all 🙁. I was squeezing a medicine bottle up my ass every night before…